Circular Communities - The Value Flower - Design Method for Collective Circular Initiatives
Els Leclercq/Mo Smit
Arquitectura e Impacto Ambiental - El Proyecto como Método
Jaume Valor Montero
Don't be afraid to participate The Brief ABC of Communal planning and housing
Atmosphere Anatomies On Design, Weather, and Sensation
Benedito, Silvia
And Now the Ensemble!!! Biennale Architettura 2012
Miroslav Sik and the Swiss Arts Council pro Helvetia
Ecopolis: Architecture and cities for a changing climate
Peter Zec
Shigeru Ban Humanitarian Architecture
Community Character - Principles for design and planning
Collage Conceptual Colección Impulsando la Transformación
AAVV / Andrés Perea
Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary
Decrecer para crecer Caminando hacia el decrecimiento
José Luís Ojeda López
Affordable Housing, Inclusive Cities
VINayak Bharne/Shyam Khandekar
Emerging Ecologies - Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism
Who's Next? Homelessness, Architecture, and Cities
Daniel Talesnik/Andres Lepik
Liquifer - Living Beyond Earth Architeture for Extreme Environments
Designed for Habitat - Collaborations with Habitat for Humanity
David Hinson ; Justin Miller
Architetture per un territorio sostenibile
Aprovechamiento de la Biomasa para uso Energético
Borja Velásquez Martí
Sustainable Habitat in the Utopia of the Competition
Moved to Design global warming climate changing
Material Cultures: Material Reform Building for a Post-Carbon Future
Flux Redux - 9 Sites of Experimentation in Stocks and Flows
L'Empreinte d'un Habitat/Housing Footprint Philippe Rizzotti Architecte
Philippe Rizzotti
Climate Design - Design and planning for the age of climate change
Travessa do Carvalho, 25
(Sede da Ordem dos Arquitetos)
1249-003 Lisboa
(Metro – Estação: Cais do Sodré)