And Now the Ensemble!!! Biennale Architettura 2012
Miroslav Sik and the Swiss Arts Council pro Helvetia
Updating Germany 100 projects for a better future
Friedrich von Borries+Matthias Bottger, Raumtaktik
IMPACT The Effect of Climate Change on Coastlines
Alex MacLean
Des Villes Durables pour une petite planète
Shigeru Ban Humanitarian Architecture
Ecopolis: Architecture and cities for a changing climate
Peter Zec
Material Cultures: Material Reform Building for a Post-Carbon Future
Circular Communities - The Value Flower - Design Method for Collective Circular Initiatives
Els Leclercq/Mo Smit
Atmosphere Anatomies On Design, Weather, and Sensation
Benedito, Silvia
Flux Redux - 9 Sites of Experimentation in Stocks and Flows
Inclusive Architecture - Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Sarah M. Whiting
Urbanismo Ecológico na América Latina/Urbanismo Ecológico en América Latina
Green Obsession: Trees towards Cities Humans Towards Forests Stefano Boeri Architetti
L'Empreinte d'un Habitat/Housing Footprint Philippe Rizzotti Architecte
Philippe Rizzotti
Liquifer - Living Beyond Earth Architeture for Extreme Environments
HABITAT Ecology Thinking in Architecture
Dirk van den Heuvel/Janno Martens/Víctor Sanz
Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary
Affordable Housing, Inclusive Cities
VINayak Bharne/Shyam Khandekar
A Cidade das Bicicletas - Gramática para o Desenho de Cidades Cicláveis
Paula Teles
Climax Change - How Architecture must Transform in the Age of Ecological Emergency
Pedro Gadanho
UNLESS The Seagram Building Construction Ecology
Kiel Moe
Emerging Ecologies - Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism
Travessa do Carvalho, 25
(Sede da Ordem dos Arquitetos)
1249-003 Lisboa
(Metro – Estação: Cais do Sodré)